Monday, November 30, 2009

The Jena Adventure and ThetaHealing.

Jena’s adventure. Lets see it was August 7th 2009 we were up camping getting ready for a big dinner with one of mom’s graduating classes. About 1 hour before everyone started to show up Jena was riding a Yamaha Rhino. She was riding in an open field so I wasn’t worried. I was up the hill in the trailer. Liz came up the hill and said Jena was hurt. I went down the hill to find Jena in the care of 5 people a group of friends that had been camping just a few 100 yards from were the Rhino tipped over. As Jena and Liz were riding they hit an uneven spot in the field with a hidden rock and it tipped the Rhino on Jena’s side. Jena had put her arm out to brace herself. Jena’s arm was crushed by the roll bar and was stuck in the Rhino by the seatbelt. Luckily the people saw her wreck and were there to help her out. Just her luck one of them was a nurse one was a dispatcher and one was from the military medical division. Not even 10 minutes had gone by before I got to her but these wonderful people had her bandaged up and secure before I got there. Jena kept repeating to the people just call my grandma she is a healer and I will be ok, 10 minutes and I can go play. Please call my grandma. I loaded Jena in the car and drove to meet the ambulance. On the way there I call my mom and say we will not make it for the dinner Jena has a compound fracture and we are on our way to meet the ambulance. Doing my best to stay calm not to upset Jena.

On the way to the ambulance Jena is singing… I like the mountains I like the rolling hills

Once in the ambulance she continued if you call my grandma I will be okay.
The paramedics smiled and said you will be ok sweet heart. As we are riding in the ambulance the pulse in Jena’s arm in becoming my faint the ambulance begins to speed up. Once we arrive to the hospital we find out that the pulse in her hand is not reading on the equipment. The E.R. doctors call in some specialist. My mom (Vianna Stibal) arrives and goes in to see Jena, and Jena looks up and says “grandma will you work on me.” So mom works on Jena and the specialist is talking to me in the hall. The doctor looks at me and says “from what they tell me we may have to amputate your daughters arm your daughter has crushed her nerves and punctured her main artery in her arm she is lucky she could have died.” He then goes in to her room and listens to the heart beat in her arm and it is faint. He comes back out to the hall and says ‘that we will be able to operate but I can not make any guarantee that she will ever get use of her hand or fingers.” My mom is in the room with Jena as I am outside crying and Jena says “will you go out side and take care of my mom?” My mom comes out and tells that Jena is concerned about me and how upset I am. I tell the doctor yes do the surgery do what ever is necessary.

Here is the first x-rays

After six and a half hours of surgery the doctor comes in to the waiting room and says “ her main artery was like burger it took a lot to repair it we had to take a vein from her leg and use it in her arm. Everything looks good and we will know more tomorrow. If there is a large amount of swelling do to being so long with out blood flow we many have to make some incisions in her forearm. Now that I am done the bone doctor is going to rest her arm and he will come speak to you soon.

About thirty minutes later the second doctor comes in and says “ the bone looks great it was easy washed and cleaned the bone and had to pin the arm. She will have to wear the fixture for about 10-12 weeks. I will check on her tomorrow.”

After the bone surgery

The next morning both doctors were surprised that the pulse was strong and no swelling.
After 3 days in the hospital on I.V. antibiotics the doctor changed her dressing and let us go home.

This is after the first dressing change

The doctors told us it would be 6-8 weeks before we could consider a skin graph.

Jena told the doctor she would be better in no time. She would just have her grandma work on it. After 9 weeks the open wound was completly healed. The docotrs didnt say to much but it looks great. The nurses were amazed they would tell Jena they had never seen something like that heal so fast. We followed up with the doctors weekly the did dressing changes and x-rays. Below you will see the pictures that followed.

Week 2 first office visit after surgery.

2 weeks later as you can see the darker milkier color off to the right of the bone that is new bone growing.

Attached below are the pictures over the next few weeks until she was completly healed. Now if you ask Jena she will tell you she healed so Fast because of ThetaHealing.

Jena had the pins removed just after her Birthday in October . She had them removed in the doctors office with no anesthesia. She is one brave little girl. Jena was still not able to bend her pointer finger or her thumb. As of November 13th Jena has full movement in her fingers and she can shoot the gun on the wii.

Jena had to where a brace for support to school and when she went out just to be safe. Today the doctor told her she no longer needs the brace.
ThetaHealing not only saved Jena's arm I believe it saved her life.